It's election season now in UTP (university where I currently studying). It's the election for general constituency in MPPUTP (Majlis Perwakilan Pelajar UTP / UTP Student Representative Council). The candidates are now busy with their campaigns.
Just to have some fun, I create my own candidate (but not eligible fir the election), Optimus Prime.
Hahaha. Checkout Optimus's campaign poster below that I created especially for him! Guys, this is not a real deal, so don't take it seriously. It's just for fun... :-)
Sudah 2 tahun rupanya tak kemaskini blog ni. Jujurnya, alasan yang boleh
diberi adalah tak sempat. dari tahun lepas lagi terfikir nak menu...
8 years ago
what's your manifesto? lol
aku takkan vote mu loh, pupuh nanti kaum manusio
jgn vote, nanti sume dak2 utp jadi autobot
Do not vote for Optimus!
Lets opt for Megatron!
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