New concept art of this year's most anticipated FPS game, Crysis 2 have been released. The concept arts are very amazing, showing the devastated New York city invaded by aliens. Short descriptions of the concept arts are provided as well. The images are taken from Crysis Facebook page.
Alley -- This image showcases the desolate beauty of the battle-scarred city, with shafts of sunlight filtering through the crumbling ruins of familiar New York architecture. The streets are littered with signs of civil unrest. Graffiti and banners exhibit the plight of civilians still trapped inside the ravaged city. It’s one of the best examples of catastrophic beauty in Crysis 2.
Battery Park -- This key establishing shot provides an overview of a devastated Battery Park against a backdrop of the shattered Manhattan skyline. Evacuation ferries lie stranded in the bay while smoke from burning military vehicles shrouds the park in an ominous fog of war.
Canyon -- Our interpretation of an ‘urban jungle’. We broke the city into multiple levels to create layered gameplay spaces, with lakes, waterfalls and a labyrinth of subterranean caverns beneath the remnants of the New York skyline.
Central Station -- One of the last bastions of man, this historic building plays host to a crucial strategic battle against alien forces. The ultimate fortification, with countless layers, from the subway tunnels to the upper floors of this vast, iconic building. The interior displays a mixture of modern and historic architecture, overlaid with signature alien destruction.
Prime: Beautiful!
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